Weddings are one of those occasions where cigars are mandatory. It doesn't even matter what type or brand you get, though that depends on who and how many. Inexpensive brands such as Roly and Baccarat are economically feasible for many and still have a great taste, but you'll notice that not everyone really enjoys cigars to the full extent. Some guests will simply hold on to the cigar as a gift, others will take a few puffs and put it out. Really it all boils down to knowing who you're buying for. If you want to get some for your groomsmen gifts it would probably be a better idea to pick up some nicer cigars from Fuente Fuente Opus X or Padron Anniversary. You can be pretty sure that your groomsmen won't have cutters either making it a simple decision for what else to get. A great gift could just be a cigar cutter or if you want to make it a better personalized gift you could go with a cigar and flask combination, whatever works for your gift plan. Just be sure not to give cigars and not be prepared with however you choose to cut them, think ahead and plan it out.

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