If your friends enjoy smoking and the finer things in life, you should consider giving cigars and cigar accessories as groomsmen gifts. A cigar inspired best man gift or groomsmen gift, like a beautiful humidor or specially-designed cigar ashtray, not only aids the recipient in the enjoyment of this luxury in life, but also sends your sentiments of appreciation. Many of us have a stereotyped image of a cigar smoker based on our past experiences. For many, this gentleman is distinguished, relaxed and exudes an air of refinement. He may or may not be rich or powerful, but when it comes to cigar smoking, heÍs a man of means and only the puffs on cigars that please his palate. Over the years, many famous people have been associated with cigars, thus lending to oneÍs perception of a ñcigar smoker.î The thought of some of these celebrity smokers would be nearly unrecognizable if they didnÍt have a cigar lolling between the lips. Inspired by a list from Cigars Magazine, these men were known world-wide for their cigar fancy.
Winston Churchill: This leader of England reportedly smoked 10 cigars a day and even had a special oxygen mask made for high-altitude flying that allowed him to enjoy his favorite vice. Churchill was once said ñ"my rule of life prescribed as an absolutely sacred rite smoking cigars and also the drinking of alcohol before, after and if need be during all meals and in the intervals between them.î
Fidel Castro: Although he gave up the habit in 1985, this iron fist of Cuba was a serious cigar smoker for over 40 years. To set a public example of good health for his people, he quit smoking cigars, even in private. Although a cigar has not touched his lips, he has reported that he dreams about cigars and still enjoys the pastime in his sleep.
King Edward VII: Immediately following his coronation n 1901, this British member of the monarchy made a royal announcement to the room, ñGentleman, you may smoke.î Until he came on the scene, tobacco had not been tolerated well under Queen VictoriaÍs rule, but Edward made sure that the habit was ñheartilyî encouraged.
Mark Twain: This famous American author reportedly smoked a minimum of 22 cigars a day _ some say even up to 40! This hard-core connoisseur of the cigar once exclaimed, ñIf smoking is not allowed in heaven, I shall not go.î The interesting thing about Twain is that, despite is success, he didnÍt keep the best-quality cigars in his humidor and once even ñtrickedî guests into smoking inferior cigars by swapping labels and cigar boxes.
John F. Kennedy: Using his political power, our 35th president ordered staff to procure a huge stash of Cuban cigars in early 1962. Why the rush? Well, Kennedy was just about to sign a trade embargo with Cuba that would prevent imports, including his favorite cigars, from entering the US. Ever since the day this embargo was signed, all tobacco products from Cuba are not allowable for sale to Americans. With well over 1,000 cigars in his stockpile, he could light up whenever the mood struck.
George Burns: This legend of entertainment, performed stand-up comedy gigs well into his late 90s. During his act, Burns always seemed to have a cigar in his hand or mouth. Typically heÍd be seen with a lower quality cigar, but no because he couldnÍt afford a better smoke. The explanation for his taste in cigars was simply that the cheaper smokes stayed lit longer on stage. Burns, who lived to 100, claims that smoking up to15-cigar-a-day each and every day for more than 70 years kept him agile and quick-witted on stage and also helped him outlive his doctor.
Groucho Marx - Often, cigars would get this old-school comedian into trouble. In reference to his "stinky old cigar," his then 3rd wife ordered him to extinguish it or find a new wife. Another time, Marx splurged for an expensive Cuban cigar after seeing an ad that promised "thirty glorious minutes in Havana." After smoking it down in 20 minutes, Max complained to the shopkeeper for a replacement. One after another, he smoked 5 cigars with the same 20 minute outcome, until the merchant wised up and tossed him out.