How To Roast a Groom NicelyIf you're reading this, you've probably been asked to be a buddy's "best man" in his wedding and are starting to sweat a bit about the "best man toast" tr...

How To Roast a Groom Nicely

If you're reading this, you've probably been asked to be a buddy's "best man" in his wedding and are starting to sweat a bit about the "best man toast" traditionally given during the reception. Or, you could also be a type-A groom who is gathering research on "best man speeches" for a best man who is infamously known as a procrastinator. Whatever the situation, your set aside your fears for creating the perfect best man toast - really all the guy needs to do is stand up, give a few personal anecdotes about the groom, insert a few jokes or one-liners and then close with a heartfelt sentiment.Really, that's all! If your knees are still knocking, read on for a few tips that will make sure the best man's speech will go off flawlessly and hopefully score you a pat on the back and awesome choice in best man gifts from groom.

The speech doesn't need to be a super-serious monologue; however you don't want to be too irreverent or crass considering the mixed company andfeelings of the bride and her family.

Mention one or two anecdotes about the time you first met the groom and why you became such great friends. Throw in some sweet stuff about how he was whipped once he met the bride - that's sure to score you points in her court.

Make a few jokes if you like, the best man is often known for loosening up the crowd into party mode. Just don't get too wild or foul-mouthed, there are always grandmothers in the room. If you don't have good jokes of your own, you can always borrow from the famous and not-so-famous:

  • "Keep your eyes wide open before the wedding and half shut afterward." - Ben Franklin
  • "Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight." - Phyllis Diller
  • "In the first year of marriage, the man speaks and the woman listens. In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens. In the third year, they both speak and the neighbors listen." - unknown

And we are always here to help you with your wedding toast





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