It may be the bride's day, but the groom should look good for his wedding, too. Although no one is fussing over the guy issues, many men today are not afraid to show emotion (the room might get a little dusty when he gives out his groomsmen gifts).
Whether he's a jeans-and-T-shirts man or a "wouldn't be caught dead sweats" guy, the wedding day is a time to show a more polished side. Jewelry can be a subtle way of making a strong personal statement.
Men's Jewelry Trends
Men are more open to jewelry these days, opting for platinum that offer a masculine look, feel and weight while providing durability, lasting luster. Because platinum jewelry is generally 95% pure, unlike 18k-gold that is only 75% pure, it is hypoallergenic.

In the past few years, jewelry designers step increase their collections for men by giving them more options to express their personalities.
This extensive gent's line from Precious Platinum has a timeless selection of in handsome and masculine finished platinum including tie pins and rings, pendants, and cufflinks. The tie accent is a simple way to make your tie pop with any suit you wear.
When it's time to pick out your groomsmen gifts, don't overlook designer dog tags, cuff bracelets, and belt buckles. Resurfacing a quarter century past its heyday, the ID bracelet is back, but in personalized versions engraved with names, dates or mantras that mean something special to the groom and his buddies.