Ever thought about making your iPhone your best man? Sure, your freshman roommate might throw a mean bachelor party, but there's no way he's willing to: A) propose for you, B) create and organize your wedding guest list, and C) confirm your honeymoon travel plans - all without ever asking for a groomsmen gift. For the gigabyte-crunching groom in 2010, all you need are these wedding iPhone apps to guide you along every step of planning for your Big Day this summer.
The iPhone Appealing Future of the Proposal
Did you already forget the four C's in diamond shopping? Skip the cut and clarity rant from the jewelery-store clerk with the Go Diamonds iPhone app. Complete with pricing calculator, this iPhone app has enough photo illustrations and diamond factoids to keep Holly Golightly and her croissant glued to that glowing touch screen all day long.
For many geeky grooms out there, grand romantic gestures might not be in their wheelhouse. Fear not my spineless brethren, as we turn to the Proposal Will You Marry Me iPhone app. Grab a hold of your gal pal's iPhone or iPod touch, and for 99 cents you can place a heartstring tugging app that asks "Will you marry me?" with a picture of fireworks and an open ring box. For those of you who enjoy iPhone apps with logical and grammatically correct product names, the iPropose iPhone app shows a picture of a wedding cake with that magical question in the background. As an added bonus, this 99 cent iPhone app has a "Yes" or "No" button for the bride-to-be to enjoy. Luckily, the app designers agreed the third option of "drop dead you prick for not asking me in person" was in bad taste.
Ticky Techy Wedding Planning
Before you order your personalized cufflinks as groomsmen gifts, make sure you don't make a fashion faux pas on your big day. What better place to find the latest trends than the Esquire and GQ iPhone apps. For just $2.99, you can read up on the latest issues and view all of the striking photos. While you might not get the entire issue each month, each magazine offers a monthly iPhone supplement of its magazine for the onetime fee.
After you enjoy the bachelor party with your bros, count down the last remaining moments of singledom down to the second with the Wedding Day iPhone app. It's not a ton of value for a dollar, but after your wedding, the counter remains active so you always know when your anniversary is... once again, down to the second.
Don't know if you've saved enough for the big day? Trust me, you didn't. A great way to count the debt you're soon to accumulate is the Wedding Budget iPhone app. With categorizing and calculating functions, this organization app ties up all your loose ends so you don't forget to tip your affiant.
Creating your wedding guest list can be a real hassle especially if you're under a budget. With the iWedding Deluxe iPhone app, you can calculate how much each guest will cost, as well as their meal choices and seating plans for the reception and rehearsal dinner. If $7.99 is too rich for your blood, try the 99 cent Guest List RSVP iPhone app instead.
After Wedding APP-lanning
There isn't enough time in the day to plan for a wedding and a vacation at the same time. Since you're going to do it anyway, let the GlobeJot iPhone app do the work for you. This trip organizing app keeps track of you fight and hotel reservations so you don't need to dig around in that bulky carry-on pack ever again. Now you can get to the hotel stress free so you can finally get down to business - a nice relaxing nap.