She's as beautiful as the moon of Endor, and as graceful as a TIE Fighter. She can throw on a gold bikini and argue why the Millennium Falcon can do the Kessel run in twelve parsecs. Yep, you found the perfect girl. Celebrate your love for the conquest of the galaxy with GroomStand's step-by-step guide for a Star Wars Wedding.
Add a Touch of a Galaxy Far, Far Way
You don't have to build the Mos Eisley Cantina to give your wedding an outer space theme. With a few Death Star disco balls and some lightsabers as groomsmen gifts, you can have your very own Star Wars themed back yard ceremony (although, it might take a Jedi mind trick to get your mother-in-law to dress up like a wookie). Duncan Thompson (dressed as Han Solo kissing his bride Sammi Gardiner) went the extra light year with his wedding details. Mr. Thomas told his bride "I promise to protect you from carbon freezing and promise to protect you from the Dark Side, through hyperspace and into the far reaches of the galaxy." While he wasn't able to wrangle George Lucas as a wedding guest, he did create his bride's ring out of a meteorite, engraved with: "May the 4th be with you."
The Beauty of the Galaxy
If your wedding party isn't in the mood to strap a blaster to their hip, the bride can embrace the beauty of the Empire with this curvy Stromtrooper wedding dress. Screw the droids, now that's what I'm lookin for!
Slice Your Tauntaun and Eat Him Too
And you thought they smelled bad on the outside. This special cake from Cake Nouveau shows of an unconscious Luke Skywalker keeping warm inside a severed Tauntaun during a Hoth ice storm. The groom, original Star Wars artist Chris Trevas, commented on the Star Wars blog that "Older relatives were a bit confused, but the kids and our friends loved it!" If you're actually trying to throw your own Star Wars themed wedding, has enough lightsabers and blasters to take down the Empire. And if you're still looking for some awesome groomsmen gifts from this galaxy, shop at