A customer called us the other day to inquire about the Personalized Golf Shadow Box. He wanted to make sure it was a good quality product (of course it is, we don't carry junk). He and our customer service rep got talking about his wedding, his groomsmen gifts and of course giving the Golf Shadow Box as groomsmen gifts. He told her his plan was to take a digital camera with him on the bachelor party excursion, which in normal circumstances is an absolute cardinal sin (but we'll let it slide in this scenario) and take candid shots of his groomsmen playing golf or as he described it, "attempting to play golf." He was then going to sift through all of the pictures, finding the best (or funniest) one of each guy and have glossy 4x6's printed. The pictures were going to be added to each groomsman's shadow box and presented to them at the rehearsal dinner. Now that is one of the more planned out and creative ideas for groomsmen gifts that we've heard in a long time. We did ask him if he'd send us one of the funnier pictures from the golf outing...let's see if he remembers or if his buddies let him. He ended up purchasing 11 Golf Shadow Boxes. Now who's going to step-up and match this great idea?