Here's a nice little pre-ceremony story involving a bride walking with her father as he gives her a quick little rundown of what's been happening while she was getting ready....

Here's a nice little pre-ceremony story involving a bride walking with her father as he gives her a quick little rundown of what's been happening while she was getting ready. Apparently her soon-to-be-husband's father, also the best man, had lost her ring. He put ring on his pinkie finger, thinking it was the safest place to keep it until it was time to hand it over to his son. Apparently this was a horrible plan as he ended up losing the ring. Now we can only speculate what caused him to lose the ring on the wedding day, so here are some speculations. First the facts: he's the best man so he'll be getting a gift along with all the other groomsmen. He's older and wiser so we probably wouldn't be amiss to say he'd be down for a nice game of chess. That's it! Our speculation has given us an answer. He was playing with his groomsman gift before the ceremony! But this isn't just any gift, it's a chess set...with shot glasses as the chess pieces. There we go, we solved it. Maybe next time dad just needs to wait till after the ceremony before he uses his awesome new chess set. Oh, by the way, the bride's mother found the ring in the hallway on her own way to the ceremony.




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