Tips, Tricks, and Groomsmen Gifts for Getting Healthy Welcome to the Groom Camp Wedding Work Out Guide! With these healthy tips, tricks, and groomsmen gifts you're well on your way...

Tips, Tricks, and Groomsmen Gifts for Getting Healthy

Welcome to the Groom Camp Wedding Work Out Guide! With these healthy tips, tricks, and groomsmen gifts you're well on your way to deflating that spare tire.

Many brides try some sort of vigorous exercise program before the wedding: Pilates, dance, kick boxing. While a penguin suit conceals more than a strapless white dress, grooms and their groomsmen should use the Big Day as motivation to turn the beer belly into a six-pack. Remember, people will be looking at your wedding pictures 50 years from now. You don't want to be the dude with a beer gut hanging over his cummerbund.

Suffice it to say, neither do your groomsmen! Rather than giving them something that packs on the poundage, give your guys sports-themed groomsmen gifts guaranteed to get them off the couch. And to make it interesting, give them some competition!

No Beer for You

Go to the fridge right now. Crack open a beer and drink it in our honor. Then, put away pilsner until after the bachelor party. Beer is full of carbs, calories, and other things that make you bloated. Say goodbye. If you can't, only drink on special occasions like the SuperBowl. Stick to our plan and that beer belly will turn into a six pack.

Get Physical

Three things you need: a gym membership or workout room, a workout buddy, and some kickin' iTunes. The rest is up to you. Work out three times a week until it's a month before your wedding. Once you hit crunch time, amp it up to four times a week. Alternate between lower and upper body exercises and give yourself a day of rest between each work out.

Get Off the Couch with These Groomsmen Gifts:


We've seen enough Dr. Oz (only because our fiance won't turn off Oprah) and Fit TV to know that exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. But most guys can only pretend to race people on the elliptical for so long. Guys need some real competition! Get active with sports-related groomsmen gifts like engraved baseball bats or personalized golf gifts. Give these gifts to your groomsmen with an added note that says you'll beat them in golf or take them to the batting cages.

Eat like a Champ:

Now that you're off the couch it's time to develop some healthy eating habits. See a physician and come up with a diet plan. Replace the steak with nutritious items like grilled chicken and fish. Watch out for fatty foods. Order dressing on the side. Drink water. Cut down on sugar and complex carbs. A healthy diet is easier said than done. But weight loss is oh so rewarding. Especially when you unveil the new you in a new pair of speedos on the honeymoon.

In all seriousness, read this article for 14 Health Foods that Aren't healthy at all. It's extremely helpful to those of us (ahem) that think chicken strips are somehow more healthy than a burger (they aren't). GroomStand tip: Be sure to let your tailor know about your goals and how much weight you want to lose so he can adjust your tux.

If you have any wedding weight-loss success stories, we want to know! How did you do it? Tell us your secrets and we'll publish your advice in one of our future issues. Once your ready, shop for personalized gifts for groomsmen at




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