So your soon-to-be wife just saved a load of money by switching to Geico. Huh? Oh, I guess she just made her wedding dress out of toilet paper. Huh. Nothing too odd about that, minus every single joke that can and will be made come wedding day. Honestly though for a contest that deals with how they look on their wedding day these women really got into it. The dresses that a couple of the ladies were wearing make it hard to believe that they are really made from TP. If it can be done that well I'd have to propose that the next step is to do the bridesmaids and groomsmen with TP. And whether it's just the bride or all of them toilet paper doesn't last, which means that pictures are going to be a focus for the wedding. With all the pictures the number one bridesmaid and groomsmen gifts are going to have to be picture frames for each person. What better groomsmen gifts are there to save the memory save throwing everything over a mannequin and shrink wrapping your toilet paper love clothes?
So your soon-to-be wife just saved a load of money by switching to Geico. Huh? Oh, I guess she just made her wedding dress out of toilet paper. Huh. Nothing...