Technorati Tags: groomsmen gifts, guy gifts, personalized coolers
Men have a tough road. First, we're expected to lug around heavy baby diaper bags filled with stuff, and carry the kid in the Baby Bjorn and while doing all of this we're still expected to carry around our own beer! Well, thankfully the fine folks here at Groomstand gave birth to the Personalized Travel Cooler. Now here is a groomsmen gift that has a clear cut purpose. Not only can you stealthily carry up to a dozen of your favorite beers around, but it's waterproof so your suds will stay nice and frosty. This awesome cooler is also customizable, so none of the groomsmen's buddies will get any funny ideas about trying to claim it as their own. Unless they personalize it with something catchy like, "I Love My Beer" which will pretty much sum up seventy five percent of the male population. We've seen nifty beer coolers in the past, but none with quite the poshness of this one. Throw it over your shoulder and you'd swear there might be some binders and a computer in there. Make your groomsmen's day and bestow upon them a true gift of versatility and good use.