An Unforgettable Wedding Night
This article is written expressly for those few, but existing grooms-to-be that are still virgins. We've all seen the "40 year-old Virgin", so we know there are certainly Andy's out there, and chances are if they waited this long to lose it, there will most certainly be a barrel full of pressure on them once the ceremony's over, and it's the evening after the big day. Nina Callaway in her "Sex Tips for Virgins on their Wedding Night" article writes that:
"The pressure of the wedding night can be too much for any man...if things aren't working, try to change up the mood..."
We have some ideas as to how to change up the mood. Starting with a nice bit of libations for both bride and groom to settle the ole nerves. Sometimes the best way the guys can say thanks for getting great gifts is honoring the main man of the night. Especially if he's an Andy. Perhaps a nice smoke and drink with the gifts you got them is just what the doc would order in a case of wedding night jitters. Whatever the case may be...we recommend lots of patience, lots of kissing and hugging...and our best wishes for a wonderful, life-long union!
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