Yes, the Dow is deflating, but your spirits don't have to. If you are a groom who has yet to purchase groomsmen gifts,here are a few groomsmen gift-buying tips to...

Yes, the Dow is deflating, but your spirits don't have to. If you are a groom who has yet to purchase groomsmen gifts,here are a few groomsmen gift-buying tips to help your new marriage from going the way of the Lehman Brothers. Groomsmen Gifts Buying Tip #1: Buy in bulk. This practice works for saving money on bananas at the grocery store, and it can work for buying groomsmen gifts as well! Find a site that offers quantity discounts, and feel confident that you are getting as good a deal as possible on your groomsmen gifts. This tip is especially helpful for grooms with big families or friendship circles. Some groomsmen gifts retailers do consider a minimum order to qualify for quantity discounts, but if you've got the whole frat house in your wedding, this groomsmen gifts strategy is perfect for you. Groomsmen Gifts Buying Tip #2: Look for Freebies While it's unlikely you can find actual free groomsmen gifts, many retailers will throw in free extras to make your gifts seem extra special. Remember, retailers need to stay in business during a rough economy, so don't be afraid to negotiate for free perks or bonuses. For example, several groomsmen gifts' retailers offer free personalization on their groomsmen gifts. This free perk is especially beneficial because customization gives the illusion of very expensive, hand-coutured groomsmen gifts...all at nada extra cost to you! Clever! Groomsmen Gifts Buying Tip #3: Sign up for the Newsletter Men are usually less likely than women to sign up for the newsletter when shopping for groomsmen gifts. Most likely they fear getting bombarded with glossies promoting "man-icures" and "wed-iquette." But the truth is, these newsletters are often hidden troves of discounts, rebates, and offers available only to subscribers. A little wediquette is a small price to pay when you realize you can get great groomsmen gifts at a sweet discount. Groomsmen Gifts Buying Tip #4: Never settle for less than free shipping. In this day and age, paying for shipping is as anachronistic as paying for CD's. Free shipping is practically a given, and certainly plentiful enough that you should be able to find groomsmen gifts that include this offer. After all, online retailers want you to choose them over bricks-and-mortar stores, and they know alleviating shipping costs is a key way to do that. Choosing a groomsmen gifts retailer that offers free shipping means a better deal for you, and also gets you out of hours of excruciating in-store shopping with your otherwise-lovely bride. Score.




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